Sunday, June 24, 2012

New car, new hotel reservations, new life

It never ceases to amaze me how much you dread something that is close to you to change, like moving from an area of great growth or changing from one cherished stage of life to the next stage, yet once it is final that you are moving on time seems to stop almost entirely.  This phenomenon I think I will call the "pondering zone" and maybe it is there to help us breath in everything that we are going to miss so that it stays with us during whatever is coming up.  I remember this "pondering zone" happening during the time after I graduated high school and waiting to go on my mission.  You really want to spend the time with your family and friends and take it all in, but you wish that the time would just go faster so that you could just get on with the next place!  That's where I'm at right now.  I've made a lot of future decisions in the past couple of weeks.  I decided what car I am going to buy for the next however long I'm going to use it (I plan on for a substantial amount of time).  I'm starting to make hotel reservations for my prolonged long trip home.  I'm looking for places to live in Yuma, Arizona and making plans about next semester.  Every little thing that I set in stone and make decisions for is making me just want to leave more and more.  I know!  Total 180 from like 1 month ago right?  I guess I'm pretty fickle.  I always enjoy the time between making great changes because I can clearly see the hand of God leading my steps and helping me make the right decisions.  I have been blessed in my life to see so clearly God's love and guidance.  It seems like whenever I really want something to happen, I only need to start moving forward and things fall into place.  Maybe not all at once but if I continue to move forward eventually the Lord makes it right.  Maybe this post was more for me than anybody else who is reading but I hope that it rings true in your heart as well.


  1. This makes a lot of sense to me... It also lead my thoughts back to something else I read online tonight, about how day by day we don't see changes, but as we look back we can see that everything is different... & mixed in are those BIG changes.
    Good luck with all your upcoming changes! Let me know if you'd like for me to see what connections I may have to Yuma as far as a roommate search & such, or if you have questions about apartments or ... or... or... I'll be happy to help any way I can.
    PS. Yuma just got a YSA ward!

  2. I heard about that! I'm pretty excited to see what the single's social scene is out there.

  3. I heard about that! I'm pretty excited to see what the single's social scene is out there.
